This Devil's Club Homeopathic Warming Muscle Rub has been reported to helped customers with Aches, Pain, Arthritis and Carpal tunnel. Please read the reviews here on Etsy and Facebook.
NOTE: Because this is an Oil and/or Butter based product it can melt. If you live in a warm climate or if your package has been sitting in your mailbox all day; PLEASE put the container in the refrigerator for 45 minutes to firm up the rub again.
This will prevent it from spilling, leaking and making a mess if it has melted a bit. You do NOT need to keep it refrigerated.
♥♥♥ All Organic Ingredients ♥♥♥
Cayenne, Ginger, Coconut Oil, Cocoa Butter, Devils Club, and a blend of Essential Oils (including Eucalyptus and Clove)
Arrow Root and/or Corn Starch to help with quick Absorption
The three BIG things about this muscle rub is that that it is made with Cayenne, Ginger and Devils Club.
You can apply it to sore muscles and joints. You can even use it a lotion if you so desire.
The uses are endless, but the reason I call it a muscle rub is that is what its original design was for. – Please keep it OUT of your eyes…
This is made with a high concentration of Cayenne Pepper and that is where you get most of the “Warming” sensation from. Unfortunately, even though I buy from the same supplier the heat may be different from harvest to harvest.
Thank you for your understanding.
Here are a few things about Cayenne that you may find interesting and why we think it is a big deal.
Cayenne moves blood and is wonderful to increase circulation, after all, it is known as one of the greatest NATURAL blood circulation stimulant known and there is no other herb which increases your blood flow faster than cayenne.
When you have a sore area, there's often a restriction of blood flow to that area. Blood flow is what takes nutrition and the healing properties of herbs and vitamins to your cells.
Blood flow is also what carries out and removes waste material.
Think of Cayenne pepper is like TNT.
It blasts through all of the blockages to get to that area which is sore, taking with it all the minerals and vitamins from the foods you eat, and all the vital chemicals from the herbs you take - all the way to the sick area.
Today cayenne is used worldwide to treat a variety of health conditions, including poor circulation, weak digestion, heart disease, chronic pain, sore throats, headaches, toothaches, Joint-Pain Relief, Anti-Fungal, and Migraine Headache Prevention
Of course, eating the peppers fresh from a food source, you get much more nutrition, but in this ointment, you still have some added nutritional value seeping into your skin and muscle for healing such as Vitamins A, B-6, C, Niacin, Copper, and Potassium all of which do help in healing.
♥ Ginger:
Ginger possesses numerous therapeutic properties including antioxidants, and the ability to inhibit the formation of inflammatory compounds and direct anti-inflammatory effects.
Is wonderful for anyone with any kind of arthritis.
Helps with pain and inflammation.
♥ Devils Club: (Not to be confused with Devils Claw)
This is something primarily found in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest and has been used by the Natives for 100’s of years for healing.
There is too many to list but here are a few that are directly related to the reason this was added to our muscle rub.
♥ Arthritis / Rheumatism
♥ Blood Purifier
♥ Sores (Swellings, Cuts, Boils, Burns, and External Infections)
♥ Lymph Trouble
♥ Pain Relief, Analgesic
♥ Restless Leg Syndrome
♥ Fibromyalgia
♥ Muscular aches and pains
♥ Stiff neck
♥ Eczema
♥ Insect Bites
♥ Poison ivy or sumac
♥ Psoriasis
♥ Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Special Orders are welcome but please note that it Takes a MINIMUM of 5 days to make this product.
♥Pam W. via FaceBook
I had surgery last week on my arm, they found a lump and took it out. I started putting this muscle Rub on it and it got my blood moving again, I told my doctor on Friday what I have been doing and he said it has really helped in the healing, and blood flow its great stuff, safe all natural, it has devil club in it and that is something my mom use to use all the time.
♥Last Thursday I gave some to my friend her dog's leg has been hurting and there is nothing they can do. She went home and put it on her dog and noticed a big difference the next morning. You can email the address and they will tell you how safe it is for you and your animals.
♥John – I have had sciatic nerve pain for many years and nothing seems to help. I dislike the odor and feel of the muscle rub products you can buy at the store.
My wife got me some of this rub. I was skeptical and it took me time to try it.
But when I did I did not notice anything right away. It was only warming a bit with the had to skin contact but when you were done rubbing in the warmth was gone. A couple of hours went by and when I stood up I had no pain. The next night I decided not to use it. I had pain when getting up out of my chair. So again I tried it. I now use it regularly. It helps with my arthritis too.
♥Linda M: I got a little sample and decided to try it under my eyes. I can tell a substantial difference in the ‘bags’ coloring under my eyes. I will be buying a full size for my beauty regime.
♥Sylvia G: I started to put the product under my eyes before bed and the dark circles have dissipated tremendously. - Do this with care, it burns badly when you get it in your eyes!
All of the information I have given you can find online doing your own research.
The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA
This information is for educational purposes only, it is not intended to treat, cure, prevent or, diagnose any disease or condition. Nor is it intended to prescribe in any way. This information is for educational purposes only and may not be complete, nor may its data be accurate.
Safety precautions: All products are for external use only. Consult a professional reference for correct dilution ratios prior to application.
Avoid during pregnancy and lactation. Keep away from eye area and Mucous Membranes. Keep out of reach of children.
Handmade by an Alaskan Native / Homeopathic / Medicinal Product / Balm / Slave / Organic Healing / Therapeutic / Mind, Body and Spiritual Healing / Jewelry / Beadwork / Quill Work / Crystals / Seed Beads / Three Soaring Eagles / Indigenous / Ketchikan Alaska / Shaman / Tsimshian Made / Devil's Club Healing / Devil's Club Salve / All Natural Pain Relief / Essential Oils